Even the best protein powders can’t stand in for the “real thing” — that is, nutrient-rich whole foods that give you more than just a whole lot of protein per gram. Whether you’re focusing on muscle gain, recovery, weight loss, or just feeling better all around, it’s not all about the hypertrophy-promoting macro. You’ll want to focus on high-quality, nutrient-dense foods helps you feel full, fueled, and healthy. For the days you’re fresh out of pre-workout and looking for the nutrient-rich treats to get the most bang for your buck, we’ve got a list of the best nutrient-dense foods you’ll want to add to your shopping list. They contain an excellent ratio of macronutrients, micronutrients, and other goodies your body needs. Experts Who Contributed Jesse Zucker, NCSF CPT, CNC, RYT 200 Aimee Gershberg, RD, CDN, CPT NYC Health + Hospitals Key Takeaways Nutrient-dense foods are those that are packed with vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy ...